Customer Personalities: Marketing To Every Potential Customer

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Think fast! Say you want to enroll in a weight program, join a gym, or hire a health coach. How do you decide which one?

Would you:

  • make a rapid decision based on competence, credentials and efficiency OR
  • make a rapid decision based on who offered the most interesting and high-touch experience OR
  • make a considered decision based on who you felt you “clicked” with most OR
  • make a considered decision based on who was most detail-oriented and best-organized?

Well, here’s how your potential customers would answer this question:

Distribution of customer personalities

Note that roughly 70% make their decision based either on competency and efficiency, or on who they “click” with – opposite ends of the spectrum!

Yet competitive personalities decide quickly – and social personalities move more slowly, in a more considered fashion.

And notice that about 30% of your potential customers are split between quick decisions based on novelty and excitement, on the one hand, and a considered examination of details, processes and so forth on the other.

You have to market to all four types

Different customer personalities use different information when they buy health and wellness services.

So good marketing has to speak to all four types of buyers.

Here’s a quick overview of what these customer personalities appreciate and look for:

Four different approaches to buying health and wellness services

As a result, here’s the kind of marketing message that resonates most with each personality:

Specific marketing points for each customer personality

Now, don’t make the mistake of thinking that all yoga students are “social” or “spontaneous” customer personalities. Or that all health club members are “competitive” customer personalities.

All four types of customers buy all types of health and wellness services.

Why does this matter?

Two reasons:

First, you and your marketing team need to recognize that not every customer “decides” the way you do.

Second, the odds are good that your current marketing materials reflect the way you and your marketing team like to make buying decisions.

Since most of us hire people like us, that means you probably aren’t even marketing to three of the four basic customer personalities.

So… we need four sets of marketing materials?

Absolutely not! Here’s an example of a marketing message that targets all four personalities. Compare your own marketing to these principles and you’ll instantly spot opportunities to dramatically improve your own marketing communications.

A sample marketing that speaks to all four personalities